The English Alphabet ,

The alphabet has greatly shaped society by granting the ability to descriptively write and record historical events and has given society the ability to remember and recall specific details. It has helped to shape the english language as we know it and has created a common language that can be understood throughout the world. This has created a more oral and written lifestyle throughout the world rather then our historically visual society. Before the Alphabet was created, more than 4000 years ago, humans lived in a mostly visual world. Dating back to the Cave days 40,000 years ago pictures were drawn to represent something weather it be food or animals and from these, hieroglyphics eventually came about. Whilst these forms of recording events took place and description lacked, they were still recording an event, but the details could not be described.
As the world has formed into a written world there are so many positives that writing (which stemmed from the alphabet) achieves.
As the world has formed into a written world there are so many positives that writing (which stemmed from the alphabet) achieves.
As the world has formed into a written world there are so many positives that writing (which stemmed from the alphabet) achieves.
-It objectifies ideas!
-It remembers a concept of knowledge free from
memory whilst creating interpretation
-It invents reading as the alphabet invented
Although these positive aspects come out of the creation of writing there is also a common critique of writing expressed by Andrew Robinson in the "Origins of Writing (1999)
"Writing and literacy are generally seen as forces for good, But there is a dark-side to the spread of writing that is present throughout its history if somewhat less obvious. Writing has been used to tell lies as well as truth, to bamboozle and exploit as well as to educate, to make minds lazy as well as to stretch them".
Even with this critique the invention of the alphabet has helped to create the current technologies that are used in todays media. Facebook and twitter
are both communication networks that have been born from the creation of the alphabet. These technologies are reliant on written information and although pictures are also a part of these technologies, the written communication is the largest idea of these technologies. As well as Facebook and twitter most other technologies have been created through the use of the alphabet and the invention of writing. Some of these include the very well known communication technologies of texting and emailing.A great quote by the philosopher Ong that explains the creation of the alphabet and writing and the effect it has on society is "Writing moves speech from the oral to a new sensory world, that of vision, it transforms speech as well as thought". Ong 1982:85
In conclusion, The creation of the alphabet as a communication technology is one of the most significant technologies in our world today and has had a profound effect on the function of todays world and has helped create most of the technologies that we see today in some way from small to large. The Alphabet will always have a large impact on our future and history and is something to never be forgotten.
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